Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Not much is new here. I'm having a pretty good time with myself aside from the persistent warm weather. Be cold, Pennsylvania! Don't be shy!

I got a new bicycle today. She's a beauty. Actually, she's an entry-level roadbike with department store components. But she's a beauty. And she's modern--not 30 years old. So now, instead of buying an old-fashioned, low-end component every month to keep myself on the road, I can jump on those Campagnolo derailleurs and cassettes and cranksets when I see them selling for peanuts, because they'll be compatible with my frame.

I need help coming up with a name.


Anonymous said...

since you call your bike a "she"

then, I'm voting for Roberta.

That way, you can nickname it "bertie" and that's just cute.

Karen said...

Well, you could always pick something androgynous like "Vila"...? or "Blue"....
Hey... search Austin Craig's list too... BIG bike town, (Armstrong's Home town) LOTTO stuff... I could make offers for you and ship!


Anonymous said...

Angie. Like the song?

Sterling Morris said...